
The Razor Point Improvement District (RPID) is owned by the District property owners and received its Letters Patent on April 29, 1992 (amended December 12, 1996).  It consists of 31 lots, of which 30 are metered residents.  The District is an Improvement District under British Columbia law, and as such, is a taxing and regulatory body.  The Letters Patent establishes the name and boundaries for the Improvement District and outlines the procedures for electing Trustees, and By-law No.10.01 specifies the water distribution regulations.

IMGP1489 (2)

Three volunteer Trustees manage the RPID, each serving a three-year rotating term.  One is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting from current property owners in the District.  The AGM is normally held in April or May and property owners are notified at least two weeks in advance of the meeting’s date, time and location.

RPID also has two paid contract positions:

  • Certified Small Water Systems Operator for daily supply maintenance.
  • System Manager/Administrator who manages the record-keeping and financial responsibilities, and prepares the assessment information annually.
  • Bylaw No. 14 outlines the responsibilities and tasks of this role that makes up the administrator, treasurer and assessor duties.

Current Board of Trustees and Prime-ship roles (as of May 26, 2024)

Bob Cooke – Operations – Chair (term expires June 2025)

Joanne Munroe – Communications/Administration (term expires May 2027)

David Rawlings – Financial Reporting (term expires April 2026)

Current Contracted Employees and Volunteers

Jennifer Kaila – System Manager – Financial Transactions, Treasurer and Assessor.

Geoff Parkinson – System Operator:  Overseas System Maintenance. 

Steve Hoyand and Gord Douglas – back up volunteers to support the System Operator

Trustees’ Roles and Responsibilities

The roles of the Trustees are:

  • Stewardship Role – to maintain the Water System and to ensure that adequate funds are available for this purpose.
  • Policy-making Role – to establish policy (i.e. water maintenance and restrictions).
  • Law-making Role – to prepare resolutions and by-laws for consideration by the District’s members.
  • Representative Role – to represent the District’s interests by sharing information with the members, holding meetings and seeking input.

The Trustees are also responsible for the financial affairs of the District through their involvement in budgeting, assessing tolls and taxes, and preparing any by-laws that may be required for borrowing money.

The Chair has the added responsibilities of calling and presiding at meetings, preparing agendas and co-signing cheques, reviewing meeting minutes, by-laws and other documents on behalf of the District.

Website last updated October 3rd, 2024.